- There is no correct way to write a personal statement (statement of purpose.)
- There is no formula.
- However...
- Please use those bits of advice which ring true to you and discard the rest.
- I would like to get back a critique of this pamphlet. You may just write you comments in the margins. Please include comments, corrections, and additions. Thanks.
- Good luck.
Types of statements
- Dry and information
- Stylized
- Your statement (Something between the two)
Some basic principles:
- The best statements in the world are stylized statements.
- It is better to have a dry, informative statement than a stylized which does not fly.
- Most stylized statements do not fly.
- Be honest. (Sincerity comes through.)
- Be sophisticated. (Don't be a hick.) ( e.g. "This was my first visit to the East Coast. I saw and had direct contact with so many different people and the hurried pace of the New Yorkers.")
- Remember why you are writing the statement. (It is certainly not for the purpose of getting something off your chest.)
- Remember who is reading your statement.
1) They know something about medicine.
2) They are very busy.
a) They are not going to take the time to try to "Figure our what you wanted to say."
- Be sure that you can converse at some length regarding anything you include in your statement. (Otherwise your interviewer is sure to ask you about it.)
Things to include:
- Emphasize specific experiences that qualify you to study and practice medicine.
- Include names and places.
- Include specifics
- Include annecdotes
Things to avoid:
Medical encounters:
- Experiences as a patient or as a relative or friend of a patient do not necessarily qualify you to practice medicine. Despite the intensity of these experiences, they often take up valuable space that could be better devoted to addressing your qualifications for the practice of medicine. They should only be included if they are extraordinary or integral. (e.g. You have had cancer or you have a devastating genetic disease and you plan to practice medicine pertinent to those fields.)
Things to do:
- Rewrite yours statement at least 4 times.
(But don't drag it out forever.)
- Many people find it quite useful to rapidly write (in one evening) two statements: one dry statement that merely states the facts; and one very stylized statement, complete with thoughts and feelings, which tells the reader about the things that are important to you even if they may not be important to the admissions committee. This will help get certain things out of your system. Ideally your final statement will be a synthesis of these initial statements.
- Put your name and date and phone number on rough drafts of your statement.
(Put your name on everything.)
- Give copies of other people's statement of purpose, especially those who have gotten into good schools.
Advice and Criticism
- Have LOTS of people read you statement.
- Friends
- Parents
- Advisors
- Recommenders
- Ruby Mason and other CDC counselors
- Verity Powell
- Professors and students of English
- Although you do not have to incorporate their comments, at least you will have that option.
- Do not equate criticisms of your personal statement with indictments about your self-worth.
- Encourage people to be critical. Let them know that they will not hurt your feelings or self-esteem.
- Until the advice you get from various people starts to contradict itself, you have not have enough people criticize your statement.
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