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生物学 Biology

Biology 生物 Personal Statement 范例之十六

Just like science generally, I've found it interesting, frequently fascinating, and that i believe that I possibly could gain much from studying it at college College has always become a huge hit in my experience due to the insightful encounters it needs to offer like a student. Although I like British Literature and Chemistry: I'm especially keen to review Biology and Psychology. For me personally, the primary benefit of the course is based on the range of subjects that'll be covered. The facets of Biology I've found particularly interesting are neuroscience and just how the defense mechanisms functions and responds. In Psychology, I'm very thinking about why is people unique and just how different facets shape our personality

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Biology 生物 Personal Statement 范例之十五

College has always become a huge hit in my experience due to the insightful encounters it needs to offer like a student. Although I like Computing and Chemistry: a couple of my ??An amount?? subjects, I'm especially keen to review Biology and Psychology. For me personally, the primary benefit of the course is based on the range of subjects that'll be covered. The facets of Biology I've found particularly interesting are neuroscience and just how the defense mechanisms functions and responds. In Psychology, I'm very thinking about why is people unique and just how different facets shape our personality.

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Biology 生物 Personal Statement 范例之十四

University has always appealed to me because of the wealth of experiences it has to offer as a student. Although I enjoy a wide variety of subjects: An A level subject that I am especially keen to study is Biology. For me, the main appeal of the course lies in the variety of topics that will be covered. The aspects of Biology I find particularly interesting are cellular Biology and how the immune system functions and responds. Student life also appeals to me immensely. The thought of living away from home and being almost totally independent appeals to me because it is a challenge, and one I really want to take. I think I will cope well as I can manage time quite well. I attended Treorchy Comprehensive School and I have enjoyed my years at the school. I sat my GCSEs at the school and I received 4 A grades, 6 B grades, and 1 C grade.

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Biology 生物 Personal Statement 范文之十三

My passion for biology continues to be long term, from the child intrigued using the existence cycle of the butterfly to becoming an adult currently of biological revolution using the perpetual breaking of recent frontiers in genetic understanding. These occasions happen to be centered through the realisation from the chance biological progress are able to afford humanity within the next century using a genetic approach. Now i possess the chance to start working for the frontline of biological research, driven by my dedication towards the subject, using a biology degree

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Biology 生物 Personal Statement 范文之十二

I've selected to try to get college courses associated with biology, particularly human facets of biology. In my opinion those to be stimulating, challenging courses that will permit me to grow and develop my studies from areas that we find particularly interesting in a-level. I appreciate the significance and participation of biology in numerous facets of daily existence along with its contribution towards the healthy condition of individuals and also the atmosphere

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