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  • 本站志愿者小组正在联系全美中国留学生会,更多的发动群众提供Personal Statement素材,帮助潜在的留学生师弟师妹更好的和其他国家的留学生竞争

社会人类学Personal Statement

I was the only sixteen-year-old in my first university classroom. It was one of those defining moments where I was painfully aware of how different I was from the people around me. I had not yet graduated from high school, and yet there I sat in a class on personal and social adjustment, feeling an odd combination of excitement and anxiety. I distinctly recall my heart pounding and my irrational fear that, at any moment, someone would inform me that I did not belong there. I was considered an oddity at my high school as the only student in the history of the school to attend secondary and postsecondary institutions simultaneously as a fulltime student. I was reminded of the fact not through vast support from my schools faculty, but through blatant vocal discouragement.

阅读全文:社会人类学Personal Statement


什么是Study Plan?

在申请留学及签证的过程中,常常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),很多留学的朋友往往搞不清晰学习计划书和个人陈述(personal statement)区别和写法,GreatEssay机构资深美国编辑长期从事留学文书写作,因此结合自己的工作经验,告诉大家如何写Study Plan也就是学习计划。

阅读全文:什么是Study Plan?






如何写好法学院申请的personal statement,Part2

接第一部分,法学院的Personal Statement需要比其他学科申请更多的技巧,这里www.greatessay.net编辑为大家呈现了高水准,详细的personal statement的写作技巧, 第一部分内容请点击:

5.法学院Personal Statements的主题

阅读全文:如何写好法学院申请的personal statement,Part2

